A recent Gallup study reveals an important reality: when employees feel connected to the company culture, the impact on engagement is extraordinary. The numbers speak for themselves: 

  • 4 times more likely to be active and engaged
  • 62% less likely to experience demotivation/burnout
  • 43% less likely to look for another job


Achieving these results starts with leadership. Leaders who authentically live and communicate the company culture create an environment where values are not just words, but a guide and inspiration. 


Coaching: the tool that makes a difference for leaders

This is where managerial coaching skills come into play, going beyond traditional training to help managers and leaders build engaging leadership that creates a strong link between company values and employees. Supported by coaching, leaders become true role models for their teams. But how does this work in practice? 


  1. Inclusive and motivating leadership: By stimulating reflection and visionary thinking, leaders learn to communicate the company vision more effectively and demonstrate company values naturally. For example, in a tech company, a coaching program helped managers to use storytelling to make the company vision clear and engaging, even on complex projects, while fostering communication focused on insights and group benefits.


  1. Proactive conflict management: With intense work rhythms, tensions in the company are inevitable. Coaching offers concrete tools such as active listening and constructive questions that uncover beliefs or reveal new viewpoints, helping managers address disagreements constructively. In a service company, coaching led to a significant improvement in collaboration through sessions where the people involved learned to explore each other’s expectations and feelings and truly listen.


If you want human resource management to become a tool for growth and engagement, coaching can help you achieve concrete results. Don’t let human resource management be just a business function: transform it into a driver of engagement and growth.

The Daring Factory’s Master in Team Coaching course provides managers and organisations with in depth insight and skills in the art and science of team coaching. Explore the course here or contact The Daring Factory team today to discuss your objectives.